Tuesday, June 19, 2007

hey, this is my first blog. i will talk about my life, experiences or interests in my blog. yesterday i got my first car summon! i parked my car in front of the row of shops near tar college because after college, i have guitar class around there so it will be convenient. all right, after college went to guitar class, had fun and then, walked to the car to leave. when, i was putting my bag and guitar into my car, i noticed a piece of paper was stucking at the car's viper. feeling curious, i picked up the paper and i saw my car plate number is written on the paper! feeling confused now that why i will get a summon because i had parked my car at the same place two weeks ago and i did not get a summon back then. drove back home with feeling confusion and frustration. i sweared i will never park at that place again!