Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day

i have read my ex-senior's blog long time ago. her blog was about valentine's day i am really agree with her view. like yay, why need to celebrate love so special which it can be celebrated everyday?! i am all for love too but don't get me wrong. i also hate to buy into something so commercialised. Why give people the right to make money off of it? You just have to see how many money mongers rise up the price of roses on V-Day alone to understand what I mean.

I would also hate it if my boyfriend bought me some ridiculously expensive thing on Valentine's Day but treated me like a non-person every other day of the year. I hate the fact that watching their other friends receive valentines from their admirers could make some beautiful young girls feel unloved and unwanted when nothing could be further from the truth. I hate the fact that having no one to send valentines to could embarrass a young man.

honestly, it make me feel like a biggest loser when nobody send me valentines. That is how much this celebration can affect people's perceptions. And their wallets.

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